Terna is putting out for consultation until Jan. 30 the rules on how to manage UPSAs, i.e., ad hoc generation units used for scheduling in markets for energy withdrawn from ancillary services of generation plants and storage systems.
The amendments in consultation aim to: implement the provisions of Arera Resolution 109/2021 by regulating the modalities of management of UPSAs on the markets, energy taken from the ancillary services of generation plants and storage systems; and introduce simplifications in the modalities and timing of inclusion of UPs in the feed-in dispatch contract.
Also published is the updated version of Annex A.58 of the Grid Code – Agreement for the measurement aggregation service pursuant to Resolution 107/09 – in which information flows for measurements between Terna and distribution companies have been updated to implement the provisions of Arera Resolutions 109/2021 and 320/2022.
In the Grid Code/Operator Consultations section, updated versions of Annexes A.26 and A.58 of the Grid Code are available (in mark-up from the current versions), as well as an illustrative presentation of the changes made.
Storage systems in the MSD would bring significant benefits to the grid, to the market and to the economy in general, an avenue for growth of the Italian electricity system through the quantitative and in-performance development of storage.
EQUANIMA offers global consulting services for technical, economic, fiscal, legal due diligence of plants, economic comparison, technical evaluation of suppliers, LCA and carbon footprint, and as part of STREAM, a consortium of companies with diverse activities in the sustainable energy sector, it is ready to successfully face the next challenges in the market of renewables resources.